Movement & Sports

Watch your feet

Our feet are ingeniously constructed in the form of spiral transverse and longitudinal arches. This unique construction allows the feet to absorb enormous weight, considering that the feet are relatively small 

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Doing sports permanently

Often the good intention to do more sports in the future is "thrown over" after a short time. Initially, there is the firm decision to counter the reduced physical condition with more exercise.

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Stretch and relax

One-sided stress in professional and private everyday life leads to musculoskeletal malpositions and complaints. The prevention doctor Prof. Dr. Schnack, with his "7 Hanseats" and the "Mister i",

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Move despite osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a natural wear and tear of the joints, and it ultimately affects everyone. Every second person over the age of 50 suffers from at least one painful joint,

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Muscles and sarcopenia

Our body has about 640 muscles, which should maintain their strength and function as long as possible and contribute to a "moving" life. However, technical advances such as

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Tennis - Motion analysis

The sequence of movements of a correctly executed tennis stroke is subject to the biomechanical rules of rhythmic spiral kinetics. A basic knowledge of this will help you to play better.

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